Aplikasi Lain dan Dampak dari Minyak Bumi
Penggunaan utama dari minyak bumi adalah untuk bahan bakar, tetapi masih banyak kegunaan lainnya. Apa saja kegunaan lainnya? Dan apa dampak minyak bumi ke lingkungan kita? Video ini adalah...
Penggunaan utama dari minyak bumi adalah untuk bahan bakar, tetapi masih banyak kegunaan lainnya. Apa saja kegunaan lainnya? Dan apa dampak minyak bumi ke lingkungan kita? Video ini adalah...
Published: 08-12-2015
Duration: 5:47
Definition: hd
View: 8112
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Comment: 1
Duration: 5:47
Definition: hd
View: 8112
Like: 56
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1
Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan mie instan? Makanan ini mungkin menjadi favorit semua orang. Selain murah dan mengenyangkan, cara membuatnya juga mudah. Karena itulah mie instan selalu jadi andalan...
Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan mie instan? Makanan ini mungkin menjadi favorit semua orang. Selain murah dan mengenyangkan, cara membuatnya juga mudah. Karena itulah mie instan selalu jadi andalan...
Published: 05-06-2017
Duration: 10:5
Definition: hd
View: 2772068
Like: 19013
Dislike: 1829
Favorite: 0
Comment: 3390
Duration: 10:5
Definition: hd
View: 2772068
Like: 19013
Dislike: 1829
Favorite: 0
Comment: 3390
Kerusakan Lingkungan ( Dalam Kartun )
Bumi kita Semakin Hari semakin bertambah parah kerusakannya, Perlu kesadaran dari kita semua untuk mengurangi laju kerusakan Bumi kita, kita bisa menikmati udara segar, air yang bersih adalah...
Bumi kita Semakin Hari semakin bertambah parah kerusakannya, Perlu kesadaran dari kita semua untuk mengurangi laju kerusakan Bumi kita, kita bisa menikmati udara segar, air yang bersih adalah...
Published: 24-10-2010
Duration: 9:51
Definition: sd
View: 279669
Like: 478
Dislike: 24
Favorite: 0
Comment: 55
Duration: 9:51
Definition: sd
View: 279669
Like: 478
Dislike: 24
Favorite: 0
Comment: 55
Tips Menglihangkan Kerak Membandel Pada Mesin Motor
Sedikit tips cara menghilangkan kerak pada blok mesin motor. bagi anda pemilik sepeda motor yang mesinnya terlihat berkerak akibat debu, oli, pasir dari pembakaran tentu sangat jengkel melihat...
Sedikit tips cara menghilangkan kerak pada blok mesin motor. bagi anda pemilik sepeda motor yang mesinnya terlihat berkerak akibat debu, oli, pasir dari pembakaran tentu sangat jengkel melihat...
Published: 26-03-2015
Duration: 4:1
Definition: hd
View: 354690
Like: 1414
Dislike: 167
Favorite: 0
Comment: 225
Duration: 4:1
Definition: hd
View: 354690
Like: 1414
Dislike: 167
Favorite: 0
Comment: 225
Tanda-tanda kiamat di kota Mekah telah muncul berdasarkan hadis Nabi
Hayati kebesaran al-Quran dengan membaca dengan sempurna dan memahami kandungannya dapatkan pakej dvd hebat http://www.fasihquran.com.
Hayati kebesaran al-Quran dengan membaca dengan sempurna dan memahami kandungannya dapatkan pakej dvd hebat http://www.fasihquran.com.
Published: 25-12-2013
Duration: 2:20
Definition: sd
View: 2584616
Like: 3635
Dislike: 327
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1054
Duration: 2:20
Definition: sd
View: 2584616
Like: 3635
Dislike: 327
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1054
The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy
The global economy is in crisis. The exponential exhaustion of natural resources, declining productivity, slow growth, rising unemployment, and steep inequality, forces us to rethink our economic...
The global economy is in crisis. The exponential exhaustion of natural resources, declining productivity, slow growth, rising unemployment, and steep inequality, forces us to rethink our economic...
Published: 10-02-2018
Duration: 1:44:59
Definition: hd
View: 5054
Favorite: 0
Duration: 1:44:59
Definition: hd
View: 5054
Favorite: 0
Hendra pemangkat uji rantai babi milik.nya
Hendra pemangkat uji rantai babi milik.nya.
Hendra pemangkat uji rantai babi milik.nya.
Published: 08-07-2014
Duration: 1:12
Definition: hd
View: 271661
Like: 102
Dislike: 175
Favorite: 0
Comment: 102
Duration: 1:12
Definition: hd
View: 271661
Like: 102
Dislike: 175
Favorite: 0
Comment: 102
Azimat Pagar Ghaib Paling Ampuh
Azimat Pagar Ghaib Paling Ampuh Jika anda ingin menjadi manusia ampuh dari berbagai serangan gaib diantaranya : aman dari santet, terhindar dari gendam, selamat dari pengaruh ilmu hitam, anti...
Azimat Pagar Ghaib Paling Ampuh Jika anda ingin menjadi manusia ampuh dari berbagai serangan gaib diantaranya : aman dari santet, terhindar dari gendam, selamat dari pengaruh ilmu hitam, anti...
Published: 30-05-2017
Duration: 0:11
Definition: sd
View: 70
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Duration: 0:11
Definition: sd
View: 70
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Global Warming or a New Ice Age: Documentary Film
Global cooling was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere along with a posited commencement of glaciation. More on this topic: https://www.amazon.co...
Global cooling was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere along with a posited commencement of glaciation. More on this topic: https://www.amazon.co...
Published: 23-06-2012
Duration: 54:13
Definition: sd
View: 666604
Like: 1304
Dislike: 359
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1588
Duration: 54:13
Definition: sd
View: 666604
Like: 1304
Dislike: 359
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1588
Truk Kontainer Terbalik Menimpa Gadis ABG Hingga Tewas
BEKASI-(TVberita.com)- Kecelakaan maut truk kontainer kembali terjadi kali ini terjadi pertigaan pintu keluat Tol Cibitung, di Jalan Raya Teuku Umar, Desa Wanasari, Kecamatan Cibitung, Kabupaten...
BEKASI-(TVberita.com)- Kecelakaan maut truk kontainer kembali terjadi kali ini terjadi pertigaan pintu keluat Tol Cibitung, di Jalan Raya Teuku Umar, Desa Wanasari, Kecamatan Cibitung, Kabupaten...
Published: 15-03-2012
Duration: 4:36
Definition: sd
View: 1002008
Like: 237
Dislike: 104
Favorite: 0
Comment: 167
Duration: 4:36
Definition: sd
View: 1002008
Like: 237
Dislike: 104
Favorite: 0
Comment: 167
Sorot Gunungkidul Melihat dari sudut yang berdeda (Kami ada karena mereka ada)
Sorot Gunungkidul Melihat dari sudut yang berdeda (Kami ada karena mereka ada)
Published: 05-10-2014
Duration: 16:52
Definition: sd
View: 58034
Like: 28
Dislike: 24
Favorite: 0
Comment: 7
Duration: 16:52
Definition: sd
View: 58034
Like: 28
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 7
(Indonesian) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
Tetap informasi , berlangganan mailing list kami: http://bit.ly/ThriveUpdate Miliki DVD THRIVE: http://www.ThriveMovement.com/store Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut: http://www.ThriveMovement.com...
Tetap informasi , berlangganan mailing list kami: http://bit.ly/ThriveUpdate Miliki DVD THRIVE: http://www.ThriveMovement.com/store Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut: http://www.ThriveMovement.com...
Published: 06-02-2013
Duration: 2:12:3
Definition: hd
View: 22615
Like: 224
Dislike: 11
Favorite: 0
Comment: 33
Duration: 2:12:3
Definition: hd
View: 22615
Like: 224
Dislike: 11
Favorite: 0
Comment: 33
Do the Math - The Movie
Join the Movement at http://www.350.org Do the Math: A Movie to Spark a Movement The fossil fuel industry is killing us. They have five times the amount of coal, gas and oil that is safe...
Join the Movement at http://www.350.org Do the Math: A Movie to Spark a Movement The fossil fuel industry is killing us. They have five times the amount of coal, gas and oil that is safe...
Published: 21-04-2013
Duration: 44:53
Definition: hd
View: 102442
Like: 1253
Dislike: 47
Favorite: 0
Comment: 187
Duration: 44:53
Definition: hd
View: 102442
Like: 1253
Dislike: 47
Favorite: 0
Comment: 187
Al Gore: Alarming new slides of the worsening climate crisis
http://www.ted.com At TED2009, Al Gore presents updated slides from around the globe to make the case that worrying climate trends are even worse than scientists predicted, and to make clear...
http://www.ted.com At TED2009, Al Gore presents updated slides from around the globe to make the case that worrying climate trends are even worse than scientists predicted, and to make clear...
Published: 07-05-2009
Duration: 7:45
Definition: sd
View: 45797
Like: 599
Dislike: 192
Favorite: 0
Comment: 509
Duration: 7:45
Definition: sd
View: 45797
Like: 599
Dislike: 192
Favorite: 0
Comment: 509
Zeitgeist 2007 (Translated Indonesian Language)
This film tells about : 1. The Concept of Religion Pagan Worship of the Sun God. 2. WTC tragedy 3. International Financial Institution Film ini bercerita tentang : 1. Konsep Agama Paganisme...
This film tells about : 1. The Concept of Religion Pagan Worship of the Sun God. 2. WTC tragedy 3. International Financial Institution Film ini bercerita tentang : 1. Konsep Agama Paganisme...
Published: 16-02-2017
Duration: 1:55:52
Definition: sd
View: 2069
Like: 10
Dislike: 1
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2
Duration: 1:55:52
Definition: sd
View: 2069
Like: 10
Dislike: 1
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2
920-1 Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by El Quintanarroense Newspaper, Multi-subtitles
EdenRules/ä¼ç"¸å'/VÆ°á»n Äá»a Äà ng : http://edenrules.com/ âSubscribe/è¨é±/ÄÄng Ký : http://edenrules.com/index.php?route=newsletter/mynewsletter æ¸ æµ·ç¡ä¸å¸«ç°¡ä» çºäºé£...
EdenRules/ä¼ç"¸å'/VÆ°á»n Äá»a Äà ng : http://edenrules.com/ âSubscribe/è¨é±/ÄÄng Ký : http://edenrules.com/index.php?route=newsletter/mynewsletter æ¸ æµ·ç¡ä¸å¸«ç°¡ä» çºäºé£...
Published: 20-04-2016
Duration: 1:2:18
Definition: sd
View: 1195
Like: 1
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Duration: 1:2:18
Definition: sd
View: 1195
Like: 1
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Földlakók - Earthlings - Erdlinge
Felirat elérhetÅ' a videó jobb alsó sarkában található menüsoron.) A Földlakók cÃmű dokumentumfilmet archÃv felvételek mellett, több különbözÅ' állatvédÅ' szervezet titkos...
Felirat elérhetÅ' a videó jobb alsó sarkában található menüsoron.) A Földlakók cÃmű dokumentumfilmet archÃv felvételek mellett, több különbözÅ' állatvédÅ' szervezet titkos...
Published: 03-05-2012
Duration: 1:35:29
Definition: sd
View: 28877
Like: 62
Dislike: 21
Favorite: 0
Comment: 27
Duration: 1:35:29
Definition: sd
View: 28877
Like: 62
Dislike: 21
Favorite: 0
Comment: 27
Calling All Cars: The Grinning Skull / Bad Dope / Black Vengeance
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is the police department of the city of Los Angeles, California. The LAPD has been copiously fictionalized in numerous movies, novels and television...
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is the police department of the city of Los Angeles, California. The LAPD has been copiously fictionalized in numerous movies, novels and television...
Published: 22-12-2012
Duration: 1:27:54
Definition: sd
View: 31782
Like: 30
Dislike: 31
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2
Duration: 1:27:54
Definition: sd
View: 31782
Like: 30
Dislike: 31
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2
Zeitgeist: the Movie (2010 update) (Subs 26 Languages)
THIS VIDEO IS NOT MONETIZED Original Video (2 minutes shorter): https://youtu.be/OrHeg77LF4Y all subs are taken from here: https://subscene.com/subtitles/zeitgeist-the-movie I hope they...
THIS VIDEO IS NOT MONETIZED Original Video (2 minutes shorter): https://youtu.be/OrHeg77LF4Y all subs are taken from here: https://subscene.com/subtitles/zeitgeist-the-movie I hope they...
Published: 29-12-2016
Duration: 2:2:10
Definition: sd
View: 33236
Like: 87
Dislike: 24
Favorite: 0
Comment: 10
Duration: 2:2:10
Definition: sd
View: 33236
Like: 87
Dislike: 24
Favorite: 0
Comment: 10
869-1 Be Organic Vegan to Save the Planet, Multi-subtitles
EdenRules/ä¼ç"¸å'/VÆ°á»n Äá»a Äà ng : http://edenrules.com âSubscribe/è¨é±/ÄÄng Ký : http://edenrules.com/index.php?route=newsletter/mynewsletter On May 9th, 2009, Supreme...
EdenRules/ä¼ç"¸å'/VÆ°á»n Äá»a Äà ng : http://edenrules.com âSubscribe/è¨é±/ÄÄng Ký : http://edenrules.com/index.php?route=newsletter/mynewsletter On May 9th, 2009, Supreme...
Published: 23-08-2016
Duration: 1:45:17
Definition: sd
View: 5791
Like: 16
Dislike: 4
Favorite: 0
Duration: 1:45:17
Definition: sd
View: 5791
Like: 16
Dislike: 4
Favorite: 0
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